Carbon Neutral Certification
Independent leadership recognition in relation to your climate change impact

If you are interested in obtaining carbon neutral certification for your business or building, we can help.
Climate Active was developed by the Australian Government as the benchmark for trusted carbon neutral certification.
Our process will enable you to identify the cost-benefits of potential savings, engage your staff on the journey and will enable you to differentiate your brand within the community as a leader in climate change action.
In summary the process involves:
- Establishing emissions boundary appropriate to the type of certification.
- Collecting the relevant data and calculate your carbon emissions footprint.
- Developing an emissions reduction strategy and (where necessary) a data management plan to make future certifications more straight-forward and improve the overall data quality.
- Arranging for independent third-party validation.
- Purchasing and retiring carbon offsets for the emissions you cannot reduce.
- Preparing a public disclosure statement of your carbon neutral claim.
In working with you, we will help you understand which elements of your operation contribute the most carbon emissions, and then assist you in prioritising appropriate actions in relation to the proportional impact of emissions sources and the effort required to reduce them.